Bahasa Ambon - English Dictionary
Adapted from Bahasa Ambon - English Dictionary - edited by Chaumont B. Devin
For this dictionary, the letter, 'x', is used to symbolize the glottal stop. Bahasa Ambon has no short 'e' or schwa.
Note that the doubled vowel in the ultima of many words contracts to a single vowel when followed by another word.
For example, 'taloor' means 'egg,' whereas 'talor ayang' means 'hen's egg.'
Note: In Bahasa Ambon, the vowels, 'o' and 'u' are often freely interchangeable, but not always, the rules, as far as I know, as yet still undetermined.
Note: In Bahasa Ambon, there appears to be no distinction between the diphthongs, 'ae' and 'ai.'
To convert a word from standard Bahasa to Bahasa Ambon, in general one might employ the following shaky rules:
1. change short 'e' to 'a'. Examples: sendiri -> sandiri, sengaja -> sangaja, tempurung -> tampurung.
2. Redouble the vowels of stressed ultimate syllables. Examples: senang -> sanaang, betul -> batuul, tendang -> tandaang.
3. Drop terminal 'h' and 'k'. Examples: sungguh -> sunggu, pendek -> pende, lebih -> labee.
4. Change some 'ai' to 'e'. Examples: bagaimana -> bagemana, sampai -> sampe.
5. Convert some terminal 'u' to 'o': Example: burung -> burong, tempurung -> tampurong, sumur -> sumor, campur -> campor, sejuk -> sajoo.
6. Change some 'ai' to 'ae'. Examples: baik -> bae, naik -> nae, air -> aer.
7. Change some penultimate short 'e' to 'o'. Examples: tepuk -> topu, penuh -> ponu, sepuh -> sopu.
8. Change some penultimate short 'e' to 'i'. Example: pecah -> pica.
9. Change some penultimate short 'e' to long 'e'. Examples: berak -> bera, bengkok -> bengko.
Esoteric Abbreviations: PAN = Proto Austronesian, the reconstructed parent language of many peoples found in the region between eastern Africa and western South America.
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   Bahasa Ambon English
   balaa    vt. 1. split. 2. drive home a punch with the fist. Beta balaa satu kali mati! = I struck him dead with one blow!   
   balaas    v. and adj. be or become blistered.   
   balabor    adj. besmeared with something sticky. adv. besmearing. Jang makang balabor. = Do not smear your food on things while you eat. cf. labor. PAN balabur, blurred, of vision.   
   balabu    v. 1. anchor. Taruus kapal balabu. = Then the ship anchored. 2. lie at anchor. Kapal ada balabu di Namlea. = The ship is anchored at Namlea. 3. remain together, hang out. An-ana suka balabu di Tete Eca pung ruma. = The kids like to hang out at Grandpa Ecas house.   
   balacang    n. a Malay spice made from fermented shrimp. Also tarasi.   
   balaco    n. white muslin.   
   balacu    see balaco.   
   balaga    v. show off. adj. sho-off. Laki-laki balaga = boy or man who likes to show off.   
   balagu    v. capricious, fastidious, moody. PAN lagu, way, manner; melody.   
   balajar    v. study, learn.   
   balak    n. dressed timber, especially one of about 4x4 inches in section.   
   balakang    n. 1. back. Di balakang ruma = in back of the house. 2. anatomical back. Ontua balakang bongko. = Hunchbacked old man. PAN balaka9, hips.   
   balakang-balakang    adv. lately.   
   Balanda    n. Dutchman. adj. Dutch.   
   Balanda keju    n. (pejorative) cheese Dutchman.   
   Balanda mabo    n. (pejorative) drunken Dutchman.   
   Balanda potong kapala    n. Dutch headhunter. It was strongly believed among Ambonese that the Dutch engaged in secret headhunting operations, and that the Dutch required human heads to lay under the cornerstones of public buildings.   
   balandong    v. (of water) lie in a puddle. Also batalaga   
   balari    vrb. and adj. be running about. An-ana talalo balari. = The children are running back and forth too much.   
   balas    n. ballast. v. reciprocate.   
   balau    n. blue dye used during washing to whiten clothes. adj. blue. cf. biru.   
   balayar    v. sail. Katoong balayar hari Rabu. = We sail on wednesday.   
   bale    v. 1. turn over. Bale ikang di para2. = Turn the fish over on the smoke rack. 2. turn oneself. Dia bale ka kiri. = He turned (himself or his head) to the left. 3. return. Dia su bale ka baloong? = Has he returned? 4. change. Akang bale jadi ular. = It changed into a snake.   
   bale-bale    vi. take a siesta. vt. 1. turn over repeatedly, as in a frying pan. 2. cause not to see, as by sleight of hand. Bale-bale dong pung mata. = Make them unable to see using magical means.   
   bale-bale mata    n. a kind of magic used to make oneself invisible.   
   balee    v. wind. Bale tali di kayu bua. = Wind (the) rope on (the) pole.   
   baleek    n. tin can.   
   baleja    adj. covered with a sticky substance.   
   balender    adj. covered with a wet, sticky substance.   
   balenggang    v. swinging the arms while walking. adj. uneven, hanging down in one place. Kaeng balenggang = Sarong hanging unevenly about the body. adv. swinging the arms.   
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