Bahasa Ambon - English Dictionary
Adapted from Bahasa Ambon - English Dictionary - edited by Chaumont B. Devin
For this dictionary, the letter, 'x', is used to symbolize the glottal stop. Bahasa Ambon has no short 'e' or schwa.
Note that the doubled vowel in the ultima of many words contracts to a single vowel when followed by another word.
For example, 'taloor' means 'egg,' whereas 'talor ayang' means 'hen's egg.'
Note: In Bahasa Ambon, the vowels, 'o' and 'u' are often freely interchangeable, but not always, the rules, as far as I know, as yet still undetermined.
Note: In Bahasa Ambon, there appears to be no distinction between the diphthongs, 'ae' and 'ai.'
To convert a word from standard Bahasa to Bahasa Ambon, in general one might employ the following shaky rules:
1. change short 'e' to 'a'. Examples: sendiri -> sandiri, sengaja -> sangaja, tempurung -> tampurung.
2. Redouble the vowels of stressed ultimate syllables. Examples: senang -> sanaang, betul -> batuul, tendang -> tandaang.
3. Drop terminal 'h' and 'k'. Examples: sungguh -> sunggu, pendek -> pende, lebih -> labee.
4. Change some 'ai' to 'e'. Examples: bagaimana -> bagemana, sampai -> sampe.
5. Convert some terminal 'u' to 'o': Example: burung -> burong, tempurung -> tampurong, sumur -> sumor, campur -> campor, sejuk -> sajoo.
6. Change some 'ai' to 'ae'. Examples: baik -> bae, naik -> nae, air -> aer.
7. Change some penultimate short 'e' to 'o'. Examples: tepuk -> topu, penuh -> ponu, sepuh -> sopu.
8. Change some penultimate short 'e' to 'i'. Example: pecah -> pica.
9. Change some penultimate short 'e' to long 'e'. Examples: berak -> bera, bengkok -> bengko.
Esoteric Abbreviations: PAN = Proto Austronesian, the reconstructed parent language of many peoples found in the region between eastern Africa and western South America.
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   Bahasa Ambon English
   bandiit    n. bandit.   
   baner    n. large, exposed tree root.   
   bangk    n. (financial) bank.   
   bangka    v. to swell. adj. swollen.   
   bangkawang    n. numerical coefficient for pieces of thatch. Also lirang. PAN kawa9, apart, separated.   
   bangke    n. dead body. cf. mayat.   
   bangko    n. bench.   
   bangkrut    adj. bankrupt.   
   bangku    see bangko.   
   bangsa    n. 1. race. 2. species.   
   bangskrup    n. vice (the tool).   
   baniang    n. a kind of shirt once worn in Maluku. cf. kabaya dangsa.   
   bantal    n. pillow or cushion.   
   bantal kapala    n. pillow.   
   bantal parau    n. the wooden bracket that holds an outrigger spar on a canoe. (may be "bantal najong")   
   bantal polo    n. bolster (placed between the legs for sleeping). Also guling.   
   bapa    n. father. Often used as a form of address. Bapa Raja = Lord Chief. Syn. papa. Ant. mama.   
   bapa bongso    n. fathers younger brother.   
   bapa hati    itj. for goodness sake!   
   bapa kamponang    itj. for crying in the night!   
   bapa mantu    n. father-in-law.   
   bapa piara    n. foster father.   
   bapa tiri    n. stepfather.   
   bapa tua    n. fathers older brother.   
   bapa tuang    n. Lord Father (used deprecatingly, as in addressing a boy). Jang bagitu Bapa Tuang e! = Please do not be like that dear Bapa Tuang!   
   bapake    v. 1. dress up. Dia bapake bagus. = She dresses nicely. 2. employ magical powers.   
   bapantong    v. exchanging pantongs.   
   bapapang    vi. become habitual.   
   bapinggang    adj. having a pronounced and slim waist.   
   baputar    v. turning.   
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